Save our Walkways 🌳
Our walkways are in disarray and have been left to rot by Salford Labour, who've always run the city. When they run it, they run it down
It’s currently impossible to walk or cycle directly into the city centre from Salford Quays. Equally, plans to deliver a long-promised walkway from the Quays into Greengate have been all but abandoned.
We’re clear: walkways all over Salford Quays are in disrepair and in need of major repair. But is Salford City Council?
All over the Quays our walkways are falling apart - it's about time something was done to improve our key ward arteries before they become completely unusable.
To Salford City Council: Save our Walkways
We the undersigned call on Salford City Council to - acknowledge that our walkways are precious public amenities and should be well-maintained for public use; action their commitment from the 2008 Irwell City Park planning guidance to a riverside cycle and walkway path through Salford city centre; ensure that planning guidance makes explicitly clear to developers that any riverside or waterfront development should allow public access to the waterfront; that section 106 contributions should be used to repair and upgrade the waterfront walkway, and not be seen as a barrier for unwilling developers to incorporate any social or affordable housing in the development.